Квилтинг перевод с английского


21 quilt

22 quilt

23 quilt

24 quilt

25 quilt

26 quilt

27 quilt

28 quilt

29 quilt

30 ватное одеяло

31 выстегивать

32 стеганое одеяло

33 стеганый одеяло

34 стеганый теплоизоляционный мат

35 стеганый теплоизоляционный мат

См. также в других словарях:

Quilt — als Babydecke Ein Quilt (engl. quilt „Steppdecke“, „steppen“) ist eine vielseitig verwendbare Zierdecke, die als Tagesdecke dienen kann, aber sich z.B. auch als Wandteppich eignet. Die Decke besteht aus mindestens zwei, in der Regel aus drei… … Deutsch Wikipedia

quilt — [kwilt] n. [ME quilte < OFr < L culcita, bed, mattress < IE base * kwelek > Sans kūrcaḥ, bundle, roll] 1. a bedcover made of two layers of cloth filled with down, cotton, wool, etc. and stitched together in lines or patterns to keep… … English World dictionary

Quilt — 〈[kwı̣lt] m. 6〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [engl.] * * * Quịlt, der; s, s [engl. quilt = Schlafdecke < mengl. quilte < afrz. coilte, cuilte < lat. culcita = Matratze, Kissen]: (ursprünglich von amerikanischen… … Universal-Lexikon

Quilt — Quilt, n. [OE. quilte, OF. cuilte, L. culcita ? bed, cushion, mattress. Cf. 2d , .] Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc.,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Quilt — der; s, s <aus engl. quilt »Schlafdecke« über altfr. coilte, cuilte aus lat. culcita »Matratze, Kissen«> gesteppte, mit Applikationen verzierte Bettüberdecke od. künstlerisch gestalteter Wandbehang … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

quilt — quilt·er; quilt; … English syllables

quilt — ► NOUN 1) a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of decorative stitching. 2) a bedspread of similar design. ► VERB (often as adj. quilted) ▪ join (layers of fabric or padding) with… … English terms dictionary

quilt — s..inv. ES ingl. <> trapunta piuttosto leggera <> <> DATA: sec. XX … Dizionario italiano

Quilt — 〈[kvı̣lt] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

quilt — [kwılt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: cuilte, from Latin culcita mattress ] a warm thick cover for a bed, made by sewing two layers of cloth together, with feathers or a thick material in between them →↑duvet … Dictionary of contemporary English


1 стегальный

2 стегание

3 стежка

4 стегальный

5 простежка

6 материал для выстегивания

См. также в других словарях:

Quilting — is a sewing method done either by hand, by sewing machine, or by a longarm quilting system. The process uses a needle and thread to join two or more layers of material together to make a quilt. Typical quilting is done with three layers: the top… … Wikipedia

Quilting — Quilt ing, n. 1. The act of stitching or running in patterns, as in making a quilt. [1913 Webster] 2. A quilting bee. See , 2. [1913 Webster] 3. The material used for making quilts. [1913 Webster] 4. (Naut.) A coating of strands of rope for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

quilting — [kwil′tiŋ] n. 1. the act or process of making quilts 2. material for making quilts, or quilted work ☆ 3. QUILTING BEE … English World dictionary

Quilting — Quilting, baumwollenes Zeug mit Köpergrunde u. glattem Muster … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

quilting — /kwil ting/, n. 1. the act of a person who quilts. 2. material for making quilts. 3. a heavily padded wrapping, as for fragile cargo. [1605 15; QUILT + ING1] * * * Process of stitching together two layers of fabric, usually with a soft, thick… … Universalium

quilting — noun Date: 1598 1. material that is quilted or used for making quilts 2. the process of quilting … New Collegiate Dictionary

quilting — noun Quilting is used before these nouns: ↑bee … Collocations dictionary

quilting — quilt ► NOUN 1) a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of decorative stitching. 2) a bedspread of similar design. ► VERB (often as adj. quilted) ▪ join (layers of fabric or padding) with… … English terms dictionary

quilting — noun A layer or layers of quilted padding … Wiktionary

Quilting — Stukket og vatteret arbejde … Danske encyklopædi


1 quilting

2 quilting

3 quilting

4 quilting

5 quilting

6 quilting

7 quilting

8 quilting

9 quilting

10 quilting

11 quilting

12 quilting

13 quilting

14 quilting

15 Quilting

16 quilting

17 quilting

18 quilting

19 quilting

20 quilting

См. также в других словарях:

Quilting — is a sewing method done either by hand, by sewing machine, or by a longarm quilting system. The process uses a needle and thread to join two or more layers of material together to make a quilt. Typical quilting is done with three layers: the top… … Wikipedia

Quilting — Quilt ing, n. 1. The act of stitching or running in patterns, as in making a quilt. [1913 Webster] 2. A quilting bee. See , 2. [1913 Webster] 3. The material used for making quilts. [1913 Webster] 4. (Naut.) A coating of strands of rope for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

quilting — [kwil′tiŋ] n. 1. the act or process of making quilts 2. material for making quilts, or quilted work ☆ 3. QUILTING BEE … English World dictionary

Quilting — Quilting, baumwollenes Zeug mit Köpergrunde u. glattem Muster … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

quilting — /kwil ting/, n. 1. the act of a person who quilts. 2. material for making quilts. 3. a heavily padded wrapping, as for fragile cargo. [1605 15; QUILT + ING1] * * * Process of stitching together two layers of fabric, usually with a soft, thick… … Universalium

quilting — noun Date: 1598 1. material that is quilted or used for making quilts 2. the process of quilting … New Collegiate Dictionary

quilting — noun Quilting is used before these nouns: ↑bee … Collocations dictionary

quilting — quilt ► NOUN 1) a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of decorative stitching. 2) a bedspread of similar design. ► VERB (often as adj. quilted) ▪ join (layers of fabric or padding) with… … English terms dictionary

quilting — noun A layer or layers of quilted padding … Wiktionary

Quilting — Stukket og vatteret arbejde … Danske encyklopædi


1 quilt

2 quilt

3 quilt

In memory of those individuals who died from AIDS, a giant quilt was made in 1986, where each panel of the quilt was in memory of an individual AIDS death. — В память о жертвах СПИДа в 1986 году было сшито огромное лоскутное одеяло, в котором каждый лоскут напоминал об одном из людей, умерших от этой болезни.

4 quilt

5 quilt

6 quilt

7 quilt

8 quilt

9 quilt

зашивать в подкладку платья, в пояс и т. п.

подбивать ватой

10 quilt

Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык . С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова . 1995 .

11 quilt

12 quilt

13 quilt

14 quilt

15 quilt

16 quilt

17 quilt

18 quilt

19 quilt

20 quilt

См. также в других словарях:

Quilt — als Babydecke Ein Quilt (engl. quilt „Steppdecke“, „steppen“) ist eine vielseitig verwendbare Zierdecke, die als Tagesdecke dienen kann, aber sich z.B. auch als Wandteppich eignet. Die Decke besteht aus mindestens zwei, in der Regel aus drei… … Deutsch Wikipedia

quilt — [kwilt] n. [ME quilte < OFr < L culcita, bed, mattress < IE base * kwelek > Sans kūrcaḥ, bundle, roll] 1. a bedcover made of two layers of cloth filled with down, cotton, wool, etc. and stitched together in lines or patterns to keep… … English World dictionary

Quilt — 〈[kwı̣lt] m. 6〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [engl.] * * * Quịlt, der; s, s [engl. quilt = Schlafdecke < mengl. quilte < afrz. coilte, cuilte < lat. culcita = Matratze, Kissen]: (ursprünglich von amerikanischen… … Universal-Lexikon

Quilt — Quilt, n. [OE. quilte, OF. cuilte, L. culcita ? bed, cushion, mattress. Cf. 2d , .] Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc.,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Quilt — der; s, s <aus engl. quilt »Schlafdecke« über altfr. coilte, cuilte aus lat. culcita »Matratze, Kissen«> gesteppte, mit Applikationen verzierte Bettüberdecke od. künstlerisch gestalteter Wandbehang … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

quilt — quilt·er; quilt; … English syllables

quilt — ► NOUN 1) a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of decorative stitching. 2) a bedspread of similar design. ► VERB (often as adj. quilted) ▪ join (layers of fabric or padding) with… … English terms dictionary

quilt — s..inv. ES ingl. <> trapunta piuttosto leggera <> <> DATA: sec. XX … Dizionario italiano

Quilt — 〈[kvı̣lt] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

quilt — [kwılt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: cuilte, from Latin culcita mattress ] a warm thick cover for a bed, made by sewing two layers of cloth together, with feathers or a thick material in between them →↑duvet … Dictionary of contemporary English


1 quilt

2 quilt

3 quilt

In memory of those individuals who died from AIDS, a giant quilt was made in 1986, where each panel of the quilt was in memory of an individual AIDS death. — В память о жертвах СПИДа в 1986 году было сшито огромное лоскутное одеяло, в котором каждый лоскут напоминал об одном из людей, умерших от этой болезни.

4 quilt

5 quilt

6 quilt

7 quilt

8 quilt

9 quilt

зашивать в подкладку платья, в пояс и т. п.

подбивать ватой

10 quilt

Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык . С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова . 1995 .

11 quilt

12 quilt

13 quilt

14 quilt

15 quilt

16 quilt

17 quilt

18 quilt

19 quilt

20 quilt

См. также в других словарях:

Quilt — als Babydecke Ein Quilt (engl. quilt „Steppdecke“, „steppen“) ist eine vielseitig verwendbare Zierdecke, die als Tagesdecke dienen kann, aber sich z.B. auch als Wandteppich eignet. Die Decke besteht aus mindestens zwei, in der Regel aus drei… … Deutsch Wikipedia

quilt — [kwilt] n. [ME quilte < OFr < L culcita, bed, mattress < IE base * kwelek > Sans kūrcaḥ, bundle, roll] 1. a bedcover made of two layers of cloth filled with down, cotton, wool, etc. and stitched together in lines or patterns to keep… … English World dictionary

Quilt — 〈[kwı̣lt] m. 6〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [engl.] * * * Quịlt, der; s, s [engl. quilt = Schlafdecke < mengl. quilte < afrz. coilte, cuilte < lat. culcita = Matratze, Kissen]: (ursprünglich von amerikanischen… … Universal-Lexikon

Quilt — Quilt, n. [OE. quilte, OF. cuilte, L. culcita ? bed, cushion, mattress. Cf. 2d , .] Anything that is quilted; esp., a quilted bed cover, or a skirt worn by women; any cover or garment made by putting wool, cotton, etc.,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Quilt — der; s, s <aus engl. quilt »Schlafdecke« über altfr. coilte, cuilte aus lat. culcita »Matratze, Kissen«> gesteppte, mit Applikationen verzierte Bettüberdecke od. künstlerisch gestalteter Wandbehang … Das große Fremdwörterbuch

quilt — quilt·er; quilt; … English syllables

quilt — ► NOUN 1) a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of decorative stitching. 2) a bedspread of similar design. ► VERB (often as adj. quilted) ▪ join (layers of fabric or padding) with… … English terms dictionary

quilt — s..inv. ES ingl. <> trapunta piuttosto leggera <> <> DATA: sec. XX … Dizionario italiano

Quilt — 〈[kvı̣lt] m.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 in Nordamerika hergestellte Steppdeckenart [Etym.: engl.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

quilt — [kwılt] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: cuilte, from Latin culcita mattress ] a warm thick cover for a bed, made by sewing two layers of cloth together, with feathers or a thick material in between them →↑duvet … Dictionary of contemporary English

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